
Darktable review 2020
Darktable review 2020

darktable review 2020

Here is how you can mask and do local edits for example. That is where its ability to mask comes in handy. A fraction better sharpness or color fidelity cannot be the reason. So naturally the question here is why use darktable if the colors are more or less the same. (not my edit) While the colors appear a tad saturated with Lightroom the details are not better than darktable. Something you cannot do in CNX-D For comparison, here is one with Lightroom. While greens appear muted, you can always bump them without penalty with masks in darktable. Compare this with darktable with no changes to sliders but for exposure and enabling filmic rgb Surprisingly, the reds look lot better and crisper with details in darktable. Let me show a quick compare with Capture NX-D which arguably provides best Nikon colors: Here is the ( ) file It is poorly under-exposed and Capture NX-D does a very good job in bringing out colors. With 3.0.1 there have been big changes in both UI and processing that makes it easier to get your desired results with tools like filmic rgb, which gives you almost a camera jpg look with almost no changes/sliders. I have tried darktable in the past and it was either cumbersome or results were poor You can not only develop your images with global adjustments but you can make local adjustments using masks, stacking modules that act as layers, use pixel level tools like liquify and spot and more importantly, you can convert to a fully opensource workflow by using it with GIMP.


It is a full fledged RAW editor supporting almost all major manufactures (CR3 not supported). It has a bit of a learning curve but with the current situation, I hope people might have some time to play around. It has its own workflow and quirks.Īnyone who wants to play around and take advantage of a RAW editor that is both versatile and free. Because darktable does not behave like any of these tools. No, this is not a replacement and you will mostly be disappointed if you want to replace them. Is this a replacement for my current editor (insert Lightroom / DXO, C1 etc.,) ?


The answer could be different for many, but simply put, free or otherwise it a feature rich RAW editor that can be better than some of the commercial software out there. It is free for anyone to use and is available for all major OSs. Now for those who do not know, it is an Open Source RAW editor with some ability to make pixel level edits. I have been using darktable for a while now and would like to share some experience using it as my primary RAW editor.

Darktable review 2020